Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

23 March 2015

Spring into Springtime.

My favourite season.

So much activity in the garden, most of the spring flowers are blooming.
We are helping the birds as much as we can. Mr France has made some new Bird boxes & we've put out bedding for the taking, this seems to be working. We used to refill this suet cage with food, recently I've been filling it with wadding and the birds have been taking it for sometime.  Now I've seen on Mary's  blog A Breath of Fresh Air.
she adds  bits of lace & shreds of material cut into strips to hers. What a lovely idea. I know the Gold finch make very decorative nests. Some time ago,  I found one
 with blue forget-me-nots woven in with some of our dogs fur around the edge.
The birds seem to be taking it.
One of the new bird boxes, so far no residents.
 A gift from our daughter.
For the past 2 years I've put it out, but it's never been used.
Maybe it's too upmarket in style for our country birds.
How ever I like it as a garden ornament.

If I follow Mary's idea of adding some lace for a bit of luxury,
we might have some posh birds. 
or maybe a Robin / Rouge Gorge  like this, will take up residence there.
 Tucked in the Berberis, I found a nest from last year.
I think I'll leave it and keep an eye on it,
maybe it will be refurbished, by some new takers.
 Each year I put this little nest, with it's egg in one of the hanging baskets.

 This is the area we were working on this time last year.
Then it had to go on hold, when I was unable to do any gardening.
Now due to the resent surgery Mr France had to have, we have
decided it will be staying like this. I like it partly cultivated and the rest
left a bit wild. Later the wild flowers will add lots of natural beauty.

 I've just had a wander around the garden and found some more
different types of daffodils, from a few years ago.
Even some hidden in an area that certainly needs some tidying up doing.
How is your garden looking, do you have birds building their nests?
Are you putting up bird boxes ? If you've never had a bird box
in your garden, why not try. It's so rewarding watching the birds
busy building their nest, then flying backwards & forwards
feeding their chicks.

I'll be keeping you up to date with the flora and fauna in our garden.

à bientôt

Barbara Lilian

19 February 2015

Guess what I'm Waiting for ....?

Yes  Spring.

A few days more of sunshine and we should have some more signs of Spring.

I love the formation of the petals on pansies.
When I first started  watercolour painting I enjoyed learning the technic

of  wet on wet watercolour painting and painted several pictures of pansies.
I gave each one as gifts to friends and family. At that time I didn't take photos of my paintings.

A few little spring flowers in an eggcup.
After last weeks cold frosty mornings it was a pleasure
to walk around  the garden today in the sunshine
it thrilled me to see lots of new growth,

This vintage egg basket is full of cones with Sedum growing through them.
Bright red shoots on the Photinia ( Red Robin )
and the catkins or what we call lambs tails on the Hazel trees.

The birds are flitting about singing their courting songs.
Then I found a discarded blackbirds nest from last year.

 These Sempervivums always survive the cold frosts.
Some will die off but I always manage to keep enough to
 replant them in small terracotta pots. Then I can move them around
to fill in an empty space while waiting for plants to resurface after the winter.


I see lots of my followers are still having snow storms.
How are you feeling ?
You must be more impatient waiting for Spring.
à bientôt
Barbara Lilian

11 January 2015

Sunlit-Sunday from rural France.

This is my 1st time on Sunlit Sunday.

I couldn't have chosen a more un-sunny day.

I don't think we'll be sitting here for coffee this morning.

A few mins. before I took this photo, the sun was shining through the window
onto this orange plant. That's photography for you, 
patience is needed and that's something I admit I don't have !

Sunday in our house is when the ornamental Orange tree gets it's weekly feed. 
Mr France looks after this and has taken it outside for a little sun.
 Yes I did say sun, as since I started this post the sun has come out again.

Just thought I'd check on the Romarin / Rosemary.
Since my trip to Denmark, I haven't looked at the garden very much as we've had so much rain.
The sun was shining on it ,so that's good as it needs some warmth.

The sun has now crept around to the front of the house.

and it's now beginning to show a lot more blue.

I then went to the front of the house to take a photo of my new view. During the past few months someone has been cutting down a lot a trees. We are surrounded by trees and this should have been done many years ago. I'll be watching to see what starts to grow now the ground is open to the sun . 

Notice the sun has gone again
That's how my Sunlit Sunday has been this morning

If I understand there are some rules I must follow. I'm sure they can be broken a bit,
So I hope if I do show a few photos from another day it will be allowed.
This being my first time to join this link ALL my photos have been taken this morning.
Maybe it's made me have a little more patience than usual .
That's a good lesson for me.
Also it's the first time I've ever joined in anything which requires links.
If you read my blog you will know I'm not very technical when it involves
computer know how. I did panic a bit after I'd gone to all this effort
and I couldn't find my instructions on how to link.
Yes, I need to follow step by step instructions each time I want to show a link.
My blogging friend Daphne from Ivy Phyllis and Me. kindly sent them to me.
Daphne you are always in my thoughts and especially now when I'm linking..

In the sunlit window, is my new Orchid house plant. 
It was given to me by the Commune Floral Committee

 My last photo showing my new view taken through the kitchen window .

I've enjoyed participating in this and I hope you have too
 hope I'll have the time to join in every Sunday

Today I'm linking with Sunlit Sunday.

à bientôt
Barbara Lilian

27 May 2014

Roses & a few paintings from my sketch book

Since the treatment I had for my back problem
I haven't been very active on my blog.
and now I finally need to have surgery.
Which has made me turn to my favourite things.
My garden , which as I previously mentioned
 is having to look after itself.
But somehow it's not looking too bad.
I've just picked out a few photos I took of the pretty pink rose.



I've been sketching in my new sketch journals.
Every year these poppies bloom in my daughters garden.
I love the big flower, but unfortunately they don't last very long 
so they were a must to paint .

Montana Clematis is in full bloom & climbing everywhere, 
 except the ones I planted to grow up onto my pergola.
for some reason they didn't like where I'd put them.
so I took a photo of some in a friends garden .
Then quickly sketched this into my garden sketchbook.
This was  a sprig of Lilac  which I stole from my daughters garden
I find it doesn't seem to last very long in a vase.
 I painted this on the hand made paper I was given
I  struggled at first using this type of paper
but now I think I'm liking the different technique I have to use.
I glued it in my sketch book.
I would like to Thank all
 my blogging friends who take the time to look at what I share,
especially those who have sent me get well wishes.
I'll be away for awhile.
But I will be reading my favourite blogs
even if I don't make any comments.
à bientôt
Barbara Lilian

19 January 2014

Sleeping garden.

Although our winter has been mild we've had a lot of rain.
My garden is still sleeping.

this is what we have to look forward to later in the summer.

How often do we not look up and take time to see the beauty of nature.

The sky was blue and the sun was shining

I took time this morning,
there right near to my house was this holly tree, still with plenty of berries.
 These have usually all gone by now.

Though we always make sure our bird feeders are kept full.

Coal tit
A few weeks ago I mentioned I was going to join a photography blog.
Well after reading what my first task was to be I realised it was not for me.
So Mr France has been giving me a few tips, 
and I took  these photos of the birds with his camera ,

I've been using some different menus
and I know I have a lot to learn 
but I feel I have improved.
What do you think ?


Blue tit

I'm not able to do anything strenuous in the garden at the moment,
so as the sun was shining I sat in our sheltered spot 
& Mr France brought me coffee.

We sat at our little round café table
and watched the birds flying from feeder to feeder.
It won't be long before we hear them singing 
and see them starting to build their nests.

I hope you take time to look around
 and see what nature brings where ever you are.

à bientôt

Barbara Lilian

13 November 2013

Signs of Winter, the Cranes are migrating.

This morning I heard the sound of the cranes passing over our house.
they usually fly over during the third week in October
so they are a few weeks later this year.
I guess, due to the milder weather in France these past few weeks 
they decided to hang on a little longer.
 but now it must be time for them to leave and fly south
These are probably from Scandinavia and eastern Europe.
 They leave to winter in south-west Spain and north-west Africa 

Where I live is on a flight path, so maybe we humans chose this route from the birds !!
( I'm only joking. )

I can still remember the first time I saw the Cranes or should I say heard them. I had no idea their route took them over my home. I was in the garden at the time, and I couldn't work out what the loud noise was and then I finally saw the cranes. I tried to count them, it seemed like there were hundreds flying in several V-shaped formations. I'd only ever seen pictures of this, I'd never actually seen it for real.
I still rush out  to see them when I hear the noise.
I enjoy it even more when they are on their return in February,
as I know that spring is on it's way.

They usually fly in large groups like this, changing positions

It was a wonderful sight to see, their wings working rhythmically as they held the V.shape, they seemed so organised, the leader at the apex changing as the birds took it in turns to lead the way. There were a few stragglers flapping about who seemed to be left behind, but thankfully they eventually caught up and tagged onto the end of the line.

So goodbye my friends,
 we'll see you again  next year in February when you
  return to your breeding patch.

à bientôt

Barbara Lilian